Friday, December 15, 2006

October Podcast

Inspired by my favorite podcasters Mano Lopez and the Homemade Show, and by the shortage of music here that I like, I decided I would start doing a podcast. I figured I could do one once a month or every other month, and I put together most of this playlist one week in October. After a short delay, I now present to you my first podcast. You can expect January's podcast in mid-March.

October: 故乡何处是?

The Chinese question in the title means "Where is my hometown?" and it's a quote from Li Qingzhao, a poet who moved from Shangdong province to Zhejiang in the 1100s when the north was engulfed in war.

Solo - Theo Torres
Happy Birthday - ZJNU Student Choir
水云间 (Water Cloud Space (?)) - 童孔 (Tong Kong)
呼吸 (Breathing) - 常静 (Chang Jing)
La Vida es un Carnaval - Issac Delgado
Y Soy Llanero - Grupo Cimarrón
Chicharra - Marta Gomez
Damaquiel - Hector Buitrago et al.
Amortiguador - Andrea Echeverri
Acochado Todo - Almir Rouche
Mindjer Dôce Mel - Eneida Marta
The Easy Way - That Mad Ahab
Stay in New England - Mimi LaValley
Leaves that are Green - Simon and Garfunkel



Anonymous said...

Encore, encore!

I'll accept the January edition before March.

I think the best thing about this podcast is your laugh when the choir starts singing "Happy Birthday" =)

caedmonstia said...

Hey, great (and very eclectic) selection!!!)I didn't hear the laugh... I will have to listen to it again.

Anonymous said...

Great podcast! Thanks for the nod to ¡Fistful of Ganas!

-Mano Lopez

Brian said...

Bien hecho, m'ijo, only I couldn't get the Mano Lopez show to play on my rig. Later, I will try pushing the button harder.